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Keyword Planner Tool is a keyword tool that give you tens of thousands of keywords for your online business. Apart from these keywords, you are also given the monthly search volume, cost per click, competition metrics & 12 month trend metrics using Keywords Everywhere's public API.

The monthly search volume is the number of searches done per month for this keyword.

The cost per click is how much on average advertisers pay for one click for this keyword.

The competition is the gauge of how many advertisers that are bidding on this keyword at Google Ads.

The trend is the monthly search volume for each of the last 12 months.

The levels of search decide how many keywords should be shown and how long the search will take. The higher the level of the search, the longer it will take, and the more the number of keywords that will be shown.

Currently we only support two levels of searches. However, we will be adding more levels in the future based on user feedback.

In the table with keywords, you should see the two buttons for CSV and Excel. Clicking this will download the entire table to your machine in the specific format.