My Best Seo Booster for Your

Discover 5,000+ Keywords with Search Volume

My Best Seo Booster for Your uses auto-complete APIs to generate thousands of long-tail keywords in seconds, along with monthly search volume and cost per click data.

How do I use the My Best Seo Booster for Your?

How do I use the My Best Seo Booster for Your?

Enter upto X keywords in the search box above, choose the country you are targeting, choose the level of depth you want (the higher the level, the more the number of keywords you get back). Then simply click the search button. In a few minutes the tool will find you thousands of keywords.

How do I access My Best Seo Booster for Your?

How do I access My Best Seo Booster for Your?

If you are looking for the Google My Best Seo Booster for Your (GKP), please click here. If you are looking for a tool that shows you thousands of keywords that GKP will never show you, simply perform a search using the search box above.

Is My Best Seo Booster for Your an alternative to Google Keyword Planner?

Yes. My Best Seo Booster for Your is a better alternative to Google’s Keyword Planner. Here are two reasons why

see hidden keywords

GKP does not show you the keywords that My Best Seo Booster for Your does.

no sign-up required

You need an active Google Ads campaign to see exact search volume in GKP.

Will the My Best Seo Booster for Your work for me?

My Best Seo Booster for Your is useful for anyone doing keyword research. It is used by:

digital marketers


PPC experts

content creators


business owners

How does My Best Seo Booster for Your work?

How does My Best Seo Booster for Your work?

My Best Seo Booster for Your uses Google's auto-complete API. It uses the seed keywords you enter to find tens of thousands of keywords via these APIs. It also gives you the monthly volume, Cost per click and Adwords competition data for all the keywords.

How to use My Best Seo Booster for Your for creating content?

How to use My Best Seo Booster for Your for creating content?

My Best Seo Booster for Your is good at generating ideas for your content calendar, as well as optimizing your current content. You can use the monthly volume data to target specific keywords for each piece of content you create. Apart from the main keyword, you can also target long-tail related keywords in the same content piece.

How to use My Best Seo Booster for Your for PPC campaigns?

How to use My Best Seo Booster for Your for PPC campaigns?

My Best Seo Booster for Your shows you a lot more keywords than Google Ads Keyword Planner does. You can therefore use this tool in addition to GKP.

By having access to more keywords, you can target the ones your competitors don’t know about and bring down your conversions costs, thereby increasing the ROI of your entire campaign.

How to use My Best Seo Booster for Your for SEO?

How to use My Best Seo Booster for Your for SEO?

According to Ahrefs, 40% of search traffic comes from long-tail keywords. While optimizing on-page content, we often focus on a main keyword and a few related ones. However, by targeting a large number of long-tail keywords for your main keyword, you could increase the traffic to your content by 40% even if it does not change in rankings for the main keyword you targeted.

My Best Seo Booster for Your gives you tens of thousands of such long-tail keywords for every main keyword you enter, and is the perfect tool for SEO.